Effectively batch update Prices

or Compare at prices, either to a percentage or to fixed amounts

Select products by collection

including by title, type, vendor, price, weight or stock (via smart collections)

Schedule updates

and easily revert them automatically on selected dates. Great for time-limited sales such as Black Friday!

New version available: Ultimate Special Offers

Update prices just as you need to

Choose exactly what to update, and how. Some examples:

  • Put selected collections on sale at 30% Off
  • Update Compare at price to 150% of Price, making products appearing to be on sale
  • End an existing sale by updating Price to 100% of Compare at price

Schedule updates and reverts

Need a sale to start on a specific day? Schedule it in advance -- you'll be emailed when it's done

Time-limited sales? Just one checkbox to put prices back to old values on selected date


  • Up to 1,000 products: $4.99 /month
  • Up to 10,000 products: $9.99 /month
  • Up to 50,000 products: $29.99 /month

All pricing plans include all features


"Compare at price" doesn't show as strike-through on my site

Most themes already show Compare at price. If your current theme doesn't, you could update it with this SAMPLE code. Since each theme is different, we cannot provide exact instructions on how to setup that code.

Somebody here can help with various theme changes, especially if you point to the sample code above: https://ecommerce.shopify.com/c/shopify-job-board

On Sale products don't have a SALE badge on my site

If your current theme doesn't have a sale badge, you could update it with this SAMPLE code. Since each theme is different, we cannot provide exact instructions on how to setup that code.

Somebody here can help with various theme changes, especially if you point to the sample code above: https://ecommerce.shopify.com/c/shopify-job-board

If I add a product or update a product while I have a sale going, will the app automatically update the sale price?

No. You would have to revert the previous update, and then run another update to include the newly added product(s).

New version available: Ultimate Special Offers